Jacob Schwantes


Your Syllabus, Simplified

Syllabase course page

Syllabus sorcery: From wall of text to a wall of pretty colors and text...and charts ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Taming the syllabus jungle

Ever felt like you're playing hide-and-seek with your course information? Syllabase is here to end that game. It's the app that turns your dense, text-heavy syllabuses into sleek, actionable dashboards. No more scrolling through pages of PDF just to find out when your next essay is due.

Syllabase Dashboard

Mission control: Your courses โ€“ all in one place

Why we built it

Syllabase landing page

Where the magic begins: Upload a syllabus, get back sanity

Why the cool kids love syllabase

Syllabase isn't just an app; it's your academic lifeline. It's for anyone who's ever wished their syllabus came with a user manual.




React, Firebase, TailwindCSS, Google Maps API